Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) calculator for Wrapped NCG (WNCG) Wrapped NCG Logo

Buying 10.00 USD of WNCG weekly from August 17, 2021 to July 27, 2024 would have turned 1.54k USD into 861.51 USD (-44.06%)

You can customize the Wrapped NCG dollar cost averaging settings here.

Weekly Investment Summary

Total Invested
1.54k USD
154 Investments
Total WNCG purchased
Value in crypto
Current value of your WNCG
861.51 USD
Value in FIAT
Cost AVG profit
-678.49 USD
ROI : -44.06%

Lump Sum Investment Summary

Lump sum invest
1.54k USD
on 08/17/2021
WNCG purchased
Value in crypto
Current lump sum value
26.27 USD
Value in FIAT
Lump sum profit
-1.51k USD
ROI : -98.29%
Share result:

Investment Performance Chart

Weekly Lump Sum
% Change
% Change From Start
Total Invested
WNCG Value
Profit %
WNCG Total
Total Invested
WNCG Value
Profit %
WNCG Total
08/17/20213.73 USD+0.00%+0.00%10.00 USD10.00 USD-0.00 USD-0.02%2.68 WNCG1,540.00 USD1,539.69 USD-0.31 USD-0.02%413.40 WNCG
08/24/20214.40 USD+18.18%+18.18%20.00 USD21.81 USD+1.81 USD+9.07%4.96 WNCG1,540.00 USD1,819.68 USD+279.68 USD+18.16%413.40 WNCG
08/31/20212.56 USD-41.86%-31.29%30.00 USD22.68 USD-7.32 USD-24.40%8.86 WNCG1,540.00 USD1,057.92 USD-482.08 USD-31.30%413.40 WNCG
09/07/20211.14 USD-55.55%-69.46%40.00 USD20.08 USD-19.92 USD-49.80%17.65 WNCG1,540.00 USD470.26 USD-1,069.74 USD-69.46%413.40 WNCG
09/14/20210.81673 USD-28.22%-78.08%50.00 USD24.41 USD-25.59 USD-51.18%29.90 WNCG1,540.00 USD337.57 USD-1,202.43 USD-78.08%413.40 WNCG
09/21/20210.96668 USD+18.36%-74.05%60.00 USD38.89 USD-21.11 USD-35.18%40.24 WNCG1,540.00 USD399.55 USD-1,140.45 USD-74.06%413.40 WNCG
09/28/20210.95777 USD-0.92%-74.29%70.00 USD48.53 USD-21.47 USD-30.67%50.68 WNCG1,540.00 USD395.87 USD-1,144.13 USD-74.29%413.40 WNCG
10/05/20211.21 USD+26.13%-67.57%80.00 USD71.21 USD-8.79 USD-10.99%58.96 WNCG1,540.00 USD499.29 USD-1,040.71 USD-67.58%413.40 WNCG
10/12/20211.17 USD-2.94%-68.53%90.00 USD79.11 USD-10.89 USD-12.10%67.49 WNCG1,540.00 USD484.59 USD-1,055.41 USD-68.53%413.40 WNCG
10/19/20211.01 USD-13.62%-72.81%100.00 USD78.34 USD-21.66 USD-21.66%77.36 WNCG1,540.00 USD418.60 USD-1,121.40 USD-72.82%413.40 WNCG
10/26/20210.97609 USD-3.62%-73.80%110.00 USD85.50 USD-24.50 USD-22.28%87.61 WNCG1,540.00 USD403.44 USD-1,136.56 USD-73.80%413.40 WNCG
11/02/20210.90809 USD-6.97%-75.62%120.00 USD89.54 USD-30.46 USD-25.38%98.62 WNCG1,540.00 USD375.33 USD-1,164.67 USD-75.63%413.40 WNCG
11/09/20211.02 USD+12.59%-72.55%130.00 USD110.81 USD-19.19 USD-14.76%108.40 WNCG1,540.00 USD422.61 USD-1,117.39 USD-72.56%413.40 WNCG
11/16/20210.94316 USD-7.76%-74.68%140.00 USD112.22 USD-27.78 USD-19.85%119.00 WNCG1,540.00 USD389.83 USD-1,150.17 USD-74.69%413.40 WNCG
11/23/20212.08 USD+120.95%-44.06%150.00 USD257.93 USD+107.93 USD+71.96%123.80 WNCG1,540.00 USD861.30 USD-678.70 USD-44.07%413.40 WNCG
11/30/20213.75 USD+79.97%+0.67%160.00 USD474.19 USD+314.19 USD+196.37%126.47 WNCG1,540.00 USD1,550.06 USD+10.06 USD+0.65%413.40 WNCG
12/07/20211.86 USD-50.48%-50.14%170.00 USD244.84 USD+74.84 USD+44.02%131.85 WNCG1,540.00 USD767.66 USD-772.34 USD-50.15%413.40 WNCG
12/14/20212.21 USD+18.94%-40.70%180.00 USD301.21 USD+121.21 USD+67.34%136.38 WNCG1,540.00 USD913.04 USD-626.96 USD-40.71%413.40 WNCG
12/21/20212.16 USD-2.14%-41.97%190.00 USD304.75 USD+114.75 USD+60.39%141.01 WNCG1,540.00 USD893.47 USD-646.53 USD-41.98%413.40 WNCG
12/28/20212.14 USD-1.18%-42.65%200.00 USD311.17 USD+111.17 USD+55.58%145.69 WNCG1,540.00 USD882.97 USD-657.03 USD-42.66%413.40 WNCG
01/04/20221.76 USD-17.41%-52.64%210.00 USD266.99 USD+56.99 USD+27.14%151.35 WNCG1,540.00 USD729.25 USD-810.75 USD-52.65%413.40 WNCG
01/11/20221.21 USD-31.41%-67.52%220.00 USD193.12 USD-26.88 USD-12.22%159.62 WNCG1,540.00 USD500.17 USD-1,039.83 USD-67.52%413.40 WNCG
01/18/20221.36 USD+12.06%-63.60%230.00 USD226.40 USD-3.60 USD-1.56%166.99 WNCG1,540.00 USD560.49 USD-979.51 USD-63.60%413.40 WNCG
01/25/20221.07 USD-21.10%-71.28%240.00 USD188.63 USD-51.37 USD-21.40%176.34 WNCG1,540.00 USD442.22 USD-1,097.78 USD-71.28%413.40 WNCG
02/01/20221.17 USD+9.39%-68.58%250.00 USD216.33 USD-33.67 USD-13.47%184.88 WNCG1,540.00 USD483.72 USD-1,056.28 USD-68.59%413.40 WNCG
02/08/20221.15 USD-1.71%-69.12%260.00 USD222.63 USD-37.37 USD-14.37%193.58 WNCG1,540.00 USD475.46 USD-1,064.54 USD-69.13%413.40 WNCG
02/15/20221.11 USD-3.54%-70.21%270.00 USD224.75 USD-45.25 USD-16.76%202.59 WNCG1,540.00 USD458.62 USD-1,081.38 USD-70.22%413.40 WNCG
02/22/20220.95009 USD-14.38%-74.50%280.00 USD202.44 USD-77.56 USD-27.70%213.11 WNCG1,540.00 USD392.69 USD-1,147.31 USD-74.50%413.40 WNCG
03/01/20220.84388 USD-11.18%-77.35%290.00 USD189.81 USD-100.19 USD-34.55%224.96 WNCG1,540.00 USD348.79 USD-1,191.21 USD-77.35%413.40 WNCG
03/08/20220.77913 USD-7.67%-79.08%300.00 USD185.24 USD-114.76 USD-38.25%237.80 WNCG1,540.00 USD322.03 USD-1,217.97 USD-79.09%413.40 WNCG
03/15/20220.7312 USD-6.15%-80.37%310.00 USD183.84 USD-126.16 USD-40.70%251.47 WNCG1,540.00 USD302.22 USD-1,237.78 USD-80.38%413.40 WNCG
03/22/20220.70127 USD-4.09%-81.17%320.00 USD186.31 USD-133.69 USD-41.78%265.73 WNCG1,540.00 USD289.85 USD-1,250.15 USD-81.18%413.40 WNCG
03/29/20220.81474 USD+16.18%-78.13%330.00 USD226.46 USD-103.54 USD-31.38%278.01 WNCG1,540.00 USD336.75 USD-1,203.25 USD-78.13%413.40 WNCG
04/05/20220.81759 USD+0.35%-78.05%340.00 USD237.25 USD-102.75 USD-30.22%290.24 WNCG1,540.00 USD337.93 USD-1,202.07 USD-78.06%413.40 WNCG
04/12/20220.68459 USD-16.27%-81.62%350.00 USD208.65 USD-141.35 USD-40.38%304.85 WNCG1,540.00 USD282.95 USD-1,257.05 USD-81.63%413.40 WNCG
04/19/20220.67439 USD-1.49%-81.90%360.00 USD215.54 USD-144.46 USD-40.13%319.68 WNCG1,540.00 USD278.74 USD-1,261.26 USD-81.90%413.40 WNCG
04/26/20220.60123 USD-10.85%-83.86%370.00 USD202.16 USD-167.84 USD-45.36%336.31 WNCG1,540.00 USD248.50 USD-1,291.50 USD-83.86%413.40 WNCG
05/03/20220.53003 USD-11.84%-85.77%380.00 USD188.21 USD-191.79 USD-50.47%355.17 WNCG1,540.00 USD219.07 USD-1,320.93 USD-85.77%413.40 WNCG
05/10/20220.32515 USD-38.65%-91.27%390.00 USD125.46 USD-264.54 USD-67.83%385.93 WNCG1,540.00 USD134.39 USD-1,405.61 USD-91.27%413.40 WNCG
05/17/20220.23791 USD-26.83%-93.61%400.00 USD101.80 USD-298.20 USD-74.55%427.96 WNCG1,540.00 USD98.33 USD-1,441.67 USD-93.61%413.40 WNCG
05/24/20220.19747 USD-17.00%-94.70%410.00 USD94.49 USD-315.51 USD-76.95%478.60 WNCG1,540.00 USD81.62 USD-1,458.38 USD-94.70%413.40 WNCG
05/31/20220.18792 USD-4.84%-94.96%420.00 USD99.92 USD-320.08 USD-76.21%531.82 WNCG1,540.00 USD77.67 USD-1,462.33 USD-94.96%413.40 WNCG
06/07/20220.18777 USD-0.08%-94.96%430.00 USD109.84 USD-320.16 USD-74.46%585.08 WNCG1,540.00 USD77.61 USD-1,462.39 USD-94.96%413.40 WNCG
06/14/20220.09358 USD-50.16%-97.49%440.00 USD64.74 USD-375.26 USD-85.29%691.94 WNCG1,540.00 USD38.68 USD-1,501.32 USD-97.49%413.40 WNCG
06/21/20220.10904 USD+16.52%-97.07%450.00 USD85.43 USD-364.57 USD-81.02%783.65 WNCG1,540.00 USD45.07 USD-1,494.93 USD-97.07%413.40 WNCG
06/28/20220.15113 USD+38.60%-95.94%460.00 USD128.40 USD-331.60 USD-72.09%849.82 WNCG1,540.00 USD62.46 USD-1,477.54 USD-95.94%413.40 WNCG
07/05/20220.16091 USD+6.48%-95.68%470.00 USD146.72 USD-323.28 USD-68.78%911.96 WNCG1,540.00 USD66.51 USD-1,473.49 USD-95.68%413.40 WNCG
07/12/20220.14476 USD-10.04%-96.11%480.00 USD141.98 USD-338.02 USD-70.42%981.04 WNCG1,540.00 USD59.83 USD-1,480.17 USD-96.11%413.40 WNCG
07/19/20220.15823 USD+9.31%-95.75%490.00 USD165.20 USD-324.80 USD-66.29%1,044.24 WNCG1,540.00 USD65.40 USD-1,474.60 USD-95.75%413.40 WNCG
07/26/20220.12855 USD-18.75%-96.55%500.00 USD144.21 USD-355.79 USD-71.16%1,122.03 WNCG1,540.00 USD53.13 USD-1,486.87 USD-96.55%413.40 WNCG
08/02/20220.13734 USD+6.83%-96.31%510.00 USD164.07 USD-345.93 USD-67.83%1,194.85 WNCG1,540.00 USD56.76 USD-1,483.24 USD-96.31%413.40 WNCG
08/09/20220.13587 USD-1.07%-96.35%520.00 USD172.30 USD-347.70 USD-66.86%1,268.45 WNCG1,540.00 USD56.16 USD-1,483.84 USD-96.35%413.40 WNCG
08/16/20220.11849 USD-12.79%-96.82%530.00 USD160.27 USD-369.73 USD-69.76%1,352.84 WNCG1,540.00 USD48.97 USD-1,491.03 USD-96.82%413.40 WNCG
08/23/20220.1071 USD-9.62%-97.13%540.00 USD154.86 USD-385.14 USD-71.32%1,446.21 WNCG1,540.00 USD44.27 USD-1,495.73 USD-97.13%413.40 WNCG
08/30/20220.10065 USD-6.02%-97.30%550.00 USD155.53 USD-394.47 USD-71.72%1,545.57 WNCG1,540.00 USD41.60 USD-1,498.40 USD-97.30%413.40 WNCG
09/06/20220.10104 USD+0.38%-97.29%560.00 USD166.13 USD-393.87 USD-70.33%1,644.54 WNCG1,540.00 USD41.76 USD-1,498.24 USD-97.29%413.40 WNCG
09/13/20220.10673 USD+5.63%-97.13%570.00 USD185.48 USD-384.52 USD-67.46%1,738.23 WNCG1,540.00 USD44.11 USD-1,495.89 USD-97.14%413.40 WNCG
09/20/20220.10805 USD+1.23%-97.10%580.00 USD197.77 USD-382.23 USD-65.90%1,830.78 WNCG1,540.00 USD44.66 USD-1,495.34 USD-97.10%413.40 WNCG
09/27/20220.09945 USD-7.96%-97.33%590.00 USD192.03 USD-397.97 USD-67.45%1,931.34 WNCG1,540.00 USD41.10 USD-1,498.90 USD-97.33%413.40 WNCG
10/04/20220.09132 USD-8.17%-97.55%600.00 USD186.34 USD-413.66 USD-68.94%2,040.84 WNCG1,540.00 USD37.75 USD-1,502.25 USD-97.55%413.40 WNCG
10/11/20220.08999 USD-1.46%-97.58%610.00 USD193.62 USD-416.38 USD-68.26%2,151.97 WNCG1,540.00 USD37.19 USD-1,502.81 USD-97.58%413.40 WNCG
10/18/20220.09932 USD+10.37%-97.33%620.00 USD223.70 USD-396.30 USD-63.92%2,252.65 WNCG1,540.00 USD41.05 USD-1,498.95 USD-97.33%413.40 WNCG
10/25/20220.08593 USD-13.49%-97.69%630.00 USD203.53 USD-426.47 USD-67.69%2,369.02 WNCG1,540.00 USD35.52 USD-1,504.48 USD-97.69%413.40 WNCG
11/01/20220.08576 USD-0.20%-97.70%640.00 USD213.13 USD-426.87 USD-66.70%2,485.63 WNCG1,540.00 USD35.45 USD-1,504.55 USD-97.70%413.40 WNCG
11/08/20220.08449 USD-1.49%-97.73%650.00 USD219.96 USD-430.04 USD-66.16%2,603.99 WNCG1,540.00 USD34.92 USD-1,505.08 USD-97.73%413.40 WNCG
11/15/20220.07232 USD-14.40%-98.06%660.00 USD198.28 USD-461.72 USD-69.96%2,742.27 WNCG1,540.00 USD29.89 USD-1,510.11 USD-98.06%413.40 WNCG
11/22/20220.05172 USD-28.48%-98.61%670.00 USD151.80 USD-518.20 USD-77.34%2,935.61 WNCG1,540.00 USD21.38 USD-1,518.62 USD-98.61%413.40 WNCG
11/29/20220.05969 USD+15.41%-98.40%680.00 USD185.19 USD-494.81 USD-72.77%3,103.14 WNCG1,540.00 USD24.67 USD-1,515.33 USD-98.40%413.40 WNCG
12/06/20220.06683 USD+11.96%-98.21%690.00 USD217.34 USD-472.66 USD-68.50%3,252.78 WNCG1,540.00 USD27.62 USD-1,512.38 USD-98.21%413.40 WNCG
12/13/20220.06934 USD+3.76%-98.14%700.00 USD235.51 USD-464.49 USD-66.36%3,396.99 WNCG1,540.00 USD28.66 USD-1,511.34 USD-98.14%413.40 WNCG
12/20/20220.08465 USD+22.07%-97.73%710.00 USD297.49 USD-412.51 USD-58.10%3,515.13 WNCG1,540.00 USD34.99 USD-1,505.01 USD-97.73%413.40 WNCG
12/27/20220.06104 USD-27.89%-98.36%720.00 USD224.51 USD-495.49 USD-68.82%3,678.96 WNCG1,540.00 USD25.23 USD-1,514.77 USD-98.36%413.40 WNCG
01/03/20230.06128 USD+0.39%-98.36%730.00 USD235.39 USD-494.61 USD-67.75%3,842.15 WNCG1,540.00 USD25.33 USD-1,514.67 USD-98.36%413.40 WNCG
01/10/20230.06494 USD+5.97%-98.26%740.00 USD259.45 USD-480.55 USD-64.94%3,996.14 WNCG1,540.00 USD26.84 USD-1,513.16 USD-98.26%413.40 WNCG
01/17/20230.07122 USD+9.67%-98.09%750.00 USD294.54 USD-455.46 USD-60.73%4,136.55 WNCG1,540.00 USD29.44 USD-1,510.56 USD-98.09%413.40 WNCG
01/24/20230.07058 USD-0.90%-98.11%760.00 USD301.90 USD-458.10 USD-60.28%4,278.23 WNCG1,540.00 USD29.17 USD-1,510.83 USD-98.11%413.40 WNCG
01/31/20230.08388 USD+18.84%-97.75%770.00 USD368.77 USD-401.23 USD-52.11%4,397.45 WNCG1,540.00 USD34.67 USD-1,505.33 USD-97.75%413.40 WNCG
02/07/20230.10395 USD+23.93%-97.21%780.00 USD467.02 USD-312.98 USD-40.13%4,493.65 WNCG1,540.00 USD42.96 USD-1,497.04 USD-97.21%413.40 WNCG
02/14/20230.17511 USD+68.46%-95.30%790.00 USD796.73 USD+6.73 USD+0.85%4,550.76 WNCG1,540.00 USD72.38 USD-1,467.62 USD-95.30%413.40 WNCG
02/21/20230.16434 USD-6.15%-95.59%800.00 USD757.74 USD-42.26 USD-5.28%4,611.61 WNCG1,540.00 USD67.93 USD-1,472.07 USD-95.59%413.40 WNCG
02/28/20230.16518 USD+0.51%-95.57%810.00 USD771.58 USD-38.42 USD-4.74%4,672.15 WNCG1,540.00 USD68.27 USD-1,471.73 USD-95.57%413.40 WNCG
03/07/20230.14611 USD-11.54%-96.08%820.00 USD692.52 USD-127.48 USD-15.55%4,740.59 WNCG1,540.00 USD60.39 USD-1,479.61 USD-96.08%413.40 WNCG
03/14/20230.1603 USD+9.71%-95.70%830.00 USD769.79 USD-60.21 USD-7.25%4,802.97 WNCG1,540.00 USD66.26 USD-1,473.74 USD-95.70%413.40 WNCG
03/21/20230.15208 USD-5.13%-95.92%840.00 USD740.27 USD-99.73 USD-11.87%4,868.73 WNCG1,540.00 USD62.86 USD-1,477.14 USD-95.92%413.40 WNCG
03/28/20230.12864 USD-15.41%-96.55%850.00 USD636.21 USD-213.79 USD-25.15%4,946.46 WNCG1,540.00 USD53.17 USD-1,486.83 USD-96.55%413.40 WNCG
04/04/20230.09322 USD-27.54%-97.50%860.00 USD471.00 USD-389.00 USD-45.23%5,053.74 WNCG1,540.00 USD38.53 USD-1,501.47 USD-97.50%413.40 WNCG
04/11/20230.09197 USD-1.34%-97.53%870.00 USD474.70 USD-395.30 USD-45.44%5,162.47 WNCG1,540.00 USD38.01 USD-1,501.99 USD-97.53%413.40 WNCG
04/18/20230.09651 USD+4.93%-97.41%880.00 USD508.10 USD-371.90 USD-42.26%5,266.09 WNCG1,540.00 USD39.89 USD-1,500.11 USD-97.41%413.40 WNCG
04/25/20230.08556 USD-11.34%-97.70%890.00 USD460.47 USD-429.53 USD-48.26%5,382.97 WNCG1,540.00 USD35.36 USD-1,504.64 USD-97.70%413.40 WNCG
05/02/20230.08908 USD+4.12%-97.61%900.00 USD489.44 USD-410.56 USD-45.62%5,495.22 WNCG1,540.00 USD36.82 USD-1,503.18 USD-97.61%413.40 WNCG
05/09/20230.08226 USD-7.66%-97.79%910.00 USD461.94 USD-448.06 USD-49.24%5,616.79 WNCG1,540.00 USD34.00 USD-1,506.00 USD-97.79%413.40 WNCG
05/16/20230.08192 USD-0.42%-97.80%920.00 USD470.02 USD-449.98 USD-48.91%5,738.86 WNCG1,540.00 USD33.86 USD-1,506.14 USD-97.80%413.40 WNCG
05/23/20230.08193 USD+0.01%-97.80%930.00 USD480.08 USD-449.92 USD-48.38%5,860.92 WNCG1,540.00 USD33.86 USD-1,506.14 USD-97.80%413.40 WNCG
05/30/20230.0798 USD-2.60%-97.86%940.00 USD477.60 USD-462.40 USD-49.19%5,986.23 WNCG1,540.00 USD32.98 USD-1,507.02 USD-97.86%413.40 WNCG
06/06/20230.08095 USD+1.44%-97.83%950.00 USD494.50 USD-455.50 USD-47.95%6,109.76 WNCG1,540.00 USD33.46 USD-1,506.54 USD-97.83%413.40 WNCG
06/13/20230.09763 USD+20.60%-97.38%960.00 USD606.38 USD-353.62 USD-36.84%6,212.19 WNCG1,540.00 USD40.35 USD-1,499.65 USD-97.38%413.40 WNCG
06/20/20230.09103 USD-6.76%-97.56%970.00 USD575.38 USD-394.62 USD-40.68%6,322.05 WNCG1,540.00 USD37.62 USD-1,502.38 USD-97.56%413.40 WNCG
06/27/20230.08155 USD-10.41%-97.81%980.00 USD525.48 USD-454.52 USD-46.38%6,444.66 WNCG1,540.00 USD33.71 USD-1,506.29 USD-97.81%413.40 WNCG
07/04/20230.07613 USD-6.65%-97.96%990.00 USD500.55 USD-489.45 USD-49.44%6,576.01 WNCG1,540.00 USD31.47 USD-1,508.53 USD-97.96%413.40 WNCG
07/11/20230.07427 USD-2.45%-98.01%1,000.00 USD498.29 USD-501.71 USD-50.17%6,710.66 WNCG1,540.00 USD30.70 USD-1,509.30 USD-98.01%413.40 WNCG
07/18/20230.07015 USD-5.54%-98.12%1,010.00 USD480.67 USD-529.33 USD-52.41%6,853.21 WNCG1,540.00 USD29.00 USD-1,511.00 USD-98.12%413.40 WNCG
07/25/20230.06444 USD-8.14%-98.27%1,020.00 USD451.55 USD-568.45 USD-55.73%7,008.39 WNCG1,540.00 USD26.64 USD-1,513.36 USD-98.27%413.40 WNCG
08/01/20230.12056 USD+87.08%-96.76%1,030.00 USD854.76 USD-175.24 USD-17.01%7,091.33 WNCG1,540.00 USD49.83 USD-1,490.17 USD-96.76%413.40 WNCG
08/08/20230.08641 USD-28.33%-97.68%1,040.00 USD622.61 USD-417.39 USD-40.13%7,207.07 WNCG1,540.00 USD35.71 USD-1,504.29 USD-97.68%413.40 WNCG
08/15/20230.08005 USD-7.36%-97.85%1,050.00 USD586.79 USD-463.21 USD-44.11%7,331.99 WNCG1,540.00 USD33.09 USD-1,506.91 USD-97.85%413.40 WNCG
08/22/20230.06907 USD-13.71%-98.15%1,060.00 USD516.32 USD-543.68 USD-51.29%7,476.77 WNCG1,540.00 USD28.55 USD-1,511.45 USD-98.15%413.40 WNCG
08/29/20230.06457 USD-6.52%-98.27%1,070.00 USD492.67 USD-577.33 USD-53.96%7,631.64 WNCG1,540.00 USD26.69 USD-1,513.31 USD-98.27%413.40 WNCG
09/05/20230.06628 USD+2.65%-98.22%1,080.00 USD515.72 USD-564.28 USD-52.25%7,782.52 WNCG1,540.00 USD27.39 USD-1,512.61 USD-98.22%413.40 WNCG
09/12/20230.06073 USD-8.37%-98.37%1,090.00 USD482.53 USD-607.47 USD-55.73%7,947.18 WNCG1,540.00 USD25.10 USD-1,514.90 USD-98.37%413.40 WNCG
09/19/20230.06179 USD+1.75%-98.34%1,100.00 USD500.98 USD-599.02 USD-54.46%8,109.01 WNCG1,540.00 USD25.54 USD-1,514.46 USD-98.34%413.40 WNCG
09/26/20230.05826 USD-5.72%-98.44%1,110.00 USD482.32 USD-627.68 USD-56.55%8,280.66 WNCG1,540.00 USD24.08 USD-1,515.92 USD-98.44%413.40 WNCG
10/03/20230.05851 USD+0.43%-98.43%1,120.00 USD494.37 USD-625.63 USD-55.86%8,451.59 WNCG1,540.00 USD24.18 USD-1,515.82 USD-98.43%413.40 WNCG
10/10/20230.05678 USD-2.96%-98.48%1,130.00 USD489.74 USD-640.26 USD-56.66%8,627.72 WNCG1,540.00 USD23.47 USD-1,516.53 USD-98.48%413.40 WNCG
10/17/20230.05235 USD-7.79%-98.59%1,140.00 USD461.57 USD-678.43 USD-59.51%8,818.74 WNCG1,540.00 USD21.64 USD-1,518.36 USD-98.59%413.40 WNCG
10/24/20230.05721 USD+9.27%-98.46%1,150.00 USD514.38 USD-635.62 USD-55.27%8,993.55 WNCG1,540.00 USD23.64 USD-1,516.36 USD-98.46%413.40 WNCG
10/31/20230.09155 USD+60.04%-97.54%1,160.00 USD833.21 USD-326.79 USD-28.17%9,102.78 WNCG1,540.00 USD37.84 USD-1,502.16 USD-97.54%413.40 WNCG
11/07/20230.07567 USD-17.35%-97.97%1,170.00 USD698.65 USD-471.35 USD-40.29%9,234.93 WNCG1,540.00 USD31.28 USD-1,508.72 USD-97.97%413.40 WNCG
11/14/20230.07747 USD+2.38%-97.92%1,180.00 USD725.30 USD-454.70 USD-38.53%9,364.01 WNCG1,540.00 USD32.02 USD-1,507.98 USD-97.92%413.40 WNCG
11/21/20230.08719 USD+12.55%-97.66%1,190.00 USD826.32 USD-363.68 USD-30.56%9,478.70 WNCG1,540.00 USD36.04 USD-1,503.96 USD-97.66%413.40 WNCG
11/28/20230.08283 USD-5.01%-97.78%1,200.00 USD794.93 USD-405.07 USD-33.76%9,599.43 WNCG1,540.00 USD34.23 USD-1,505.77 USD-97.78%413.40 WNCG
12/05/20230.10163 USD+22.70%-97.27%1,210.00 USD985.37 USD-224.63 USD-18.56%9,697.83 WNCG1,540.00 USD42.00 USD-1,498.00 USD-97.27%413.40 WNCG
12/12/20230.10177 USD+0.14%-97.27%1,220.00 USD996.77 USD-223.23 USD-18.30%9,796.09 WNCG1,540.00 USD42.06 USD-1,497.94 USD-97.27%413.40 WNCG
12/19/20230.11705 USD+15.01%-96.86%1,230.00 USD1,156.37 USD-73.63 USD-5.99%9,881.52 WNCG1,540.00 USD48.38 USD-1,491.62 USD-96.86%413.40 WNCG
12/26/20230.11962 USD+2.19%-96.79%1,240.00 USD1,191.75 USD-48.25 USD-3.89%9,965.12 WNCG1,540.00 USD49.44 USD-1,490.56 USD-96.79%413.40 WNCG
01/02/20240.11352 USD-5.09%-96.95%1,250.00 USD1,141.05 USD-108.95 USD-8.72%10,053.21 WNCG1,540.00 USD46.92 USD-1,493.08 USD-96.95%413.40 WNCG
01/09/20240.09049 USD-20.29%-97.57%1,260.00 USD919.55 USD-340.45 USD-27.02%10,163.72 WNCG1,540.00 USD37.40 USD-1,502.60 USD-97.57%413.40 WNCG
01/16/20240.08799 USD-2.76%-97.64%1,270.00 USD904.16 USD-365.84 USD-28.81%10,277.36 WNCG1,540.00 USD36.37 USD-1,503.63 USD-97.64%413.40 WNCG
01/23/20240.08075 USD-8.23%-97.83%1,280.00 USD839.71 USD-440.29 USD-34.40%10,401.21 WNCG1,540.00 USD33.37 USD-1,506.63 USD-97.83%413.40 WNCG
01/30/20240.08205 USD+1.61%-97.80%1,290.00 USD863.22 USD-426.78 USD-33.08%10,523.09 WNCG1,540.00 USD33.91 USD-1,506.09 USD-97.80%413.40 WNCG
02/06/20240.08498 USD+3.57%-97.72%1,300.00 USD904.02 USD-395.98 USD-30.46%10,640.77 WNCG1,540.00 USD35.12 USD-1,504.88 USD-97.72%413.40 WNCG
02/13/20240.08005 USD-5.80%-97.85%1,310.00 USD861.57 USD-448.43 USD-34.23%10,765.70 WNCG1,540.00 USD33.08 USD-1,506.92 USD-97.85%413.40 WNCG
02/20/20240.08938 USD+11.66%-97.60%1,320.00 USD972.01 USD-347.99 USD-26.36%10,877.58 WNCG1,540.00 USD36.94 USD-1,503.06 USD-97.60%413.40 WNCG
02/27/20240.09545 USD+6.79%-97.44%1,330.00 USD1,048.01 USD-281.99 USD-21.20%10,982.36 WNCG1,540.00 USD39.45 USD-1,500.55 USD-97.44%413.40 WNCG
03/05/20240.10673 USD+11.82%-97.13%1,340.00 USD1,181.91 USD-158.09 USD-11.80%11,076.05 WNCG1,540.00 USD44.11 USD-1,495.89 USD-97.14%413.40 WNCG
03/12/20240.14842 USD+39.06%-96.02%1,350.00 USD1,653.59 USD+303.59 USD+22.49%11,143.43 WNCG1,540.00 USD61.35 USD-1,478.65 USD-96.02%413.40 WNCG
03/19/20240.13185 USD-11.16%-96.46%1,360.00 USD1,479.01 USD+119.01 USD+8.75%11,219.27 WNCG1,540.00 USD54.50 USD-1,485.50 USD-96.46%413.40 WNCG
03/26/20240.1274 USD-3.38%-96.58%1,370.00 USD1,439.07 USD+69.07 USD+5.04%11,297.76 WNCG1,540.00 USD52.66 USD-1,487.34 USD-96.58%413.40 WNCG
04/02/20240.12308 USD-3.39%-96.70%1,380.00 USD1,400.29 USD+20.29 USD+1.47%11,379.00 WNCG1,540.00 USD50.87 USD-1,489.13 USD-96.70%413.40 WNCG
04/09/20240.11575 USD-5.96%-96.89%1,390.00 USD1,326.81 USD-63.19 USD-4.55%11,465.40 WNCG1,540.00 USD47.84 USD-1,492.16 USD-96.89%413.40 WNCG
04/16/20240.09295 USD-19.69%-97.50%1,400.00 USD1,075.50 USD-324.50 USD-23.18%11,572.98 WNCG1,540.00 USD38.42 USD-1,501.58 USD-97.51%413.40 WNCG
04/23/20240.08939 USD-3.83%-97.60%1,410.00 USD1,044.26 USD-365.74 USD-25.94%11,684.86 WNCG1,540.00 USD36.95 USD-1,503.05 USD-97.60%413.40 WNCG
04/30/20240.07486 USD-16.25%-97.99%1,420.00 USD884.53 USD-535.47 USD-37.71%11,818.44 WNCG1,540.00 USD30.94 USD-1,509.06 USD-97.99%413.40 WNCG
05/07/20240.06671 USD-10.89%-98.21%1,430.00 USD798.20 USD-631.80 USD-44.18%11,968.35 WNCG1,540.00 USD27.57 USD-1,512.43 USD-98.21%413.40 WNCG
05/14/20240.07649 USD+14.67%-97.95%1,440.00 USD925.30 USD-514.70 USD-35.74%12,099.09 WNCG1,540.00 USD31.62 USD-1,508.38 USD-97.95%413.40 WNCG
05/21/20240.075 USD-1.96%-97.99%1,450.00 USD917.21 USD-532.79 USD-36.74%12,232.43 WNCG1,540.00 USD31.00 USD-1,509.00 USD-97.99%413.40 WNCG
05/28/20240.08517 USD+13.56%-97.71%1,460.00 USD1,051.60 USD-408.40 USD-27.97%12,349.84 WNCG1,540.00 USD35.20 USD-1,504.80 USD-97.71%413.40 WNCG
06/04/20240.0824 USD-3.25%-97.79%1,470.00 USD1,027.40 USD-442.60 USD-30.11%12,471.20 WNCG1,540.00 USD34.06 USD-1,505.94 USD-97.79%413.40 WNCG
06/11/20240.07423 USD-9.91%-98.01%1,480.00 USD935.58 USD-544.42 USD-36.79%12,605.92 WNCG1,540.00 USD30.68 USD-1,509.32 USD-98.01%413.40 WNCG
06/18/20240.06312 USD-14.97%-98.31%1,490.00 USD805.55 USD-684.45 USD-45.94%12,764.34 WNCG1,540.00 USD26.09 USD-1,513.91 USD-98.31%413.40 WNCG
06/25/20240.06257 USD-0.88%-98.32%1,500.00 USD808.45 USD-691.55 USD-46.10%12,924.17 WNCG1,540.00 USD25.86 USD-1,514.14 USD-98.32%413.40 WNCG
07/02/20240.06551 USD+4.70%-98.24%1,510.00 USD856.48 USD-653.52 USD-43.28%13,076.82 WNCG1,540.00 USD27.08 USD-1,512.92 USD-98.24%413.40 WNCG
07/09/20240.05782 USD-11.74%-98.45%1,520.00 USD765.90 USD-754.10 USD-49.61%13,249.78 WNCG1,540.00 USD23.90 USD-1,516.10 USD-98.45%413.40 WNCG
07/16/20240.06583 USD+13.87%-98.23%1,530.00 USD882.09 USD-647.91 USD-42.35%13,401.68 WNCG1,540.00 USD27.21 USD-1,512.79 USD-98.23%413.40 WNCG
07/23/20240.06355 USD-3.47%-98.29%1,540.00 USD861.51 USD-678.49 USD-44.06%13,559.04 WNCG1,540.00 USD26.27 USD-1,513.73 USD-98.29%413.40 WNCG

*Please note that values above utilizes data from CoinGecko and ExchangeRate-API.

How to use the WNCG DCA tool

How to use this Wrapped NCG Investment Calculator

To use this WNCG DCA crypto calculator, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Input your investment information: The first step in using this WNCG DCA crypto calculator is to input information about your investment goals. This will typically include the amount of money that you want to invest in Wrapped NCG, as well as the frequency of your investments (such as weekly or monthly). This WNCG DCA crypto calculator may also allow you to input additional information, such as your risk tolerance or the length of your investment horizon.
  2. Generate your DCA plan: After you have input your investment information, this WNCG DCA crypto calculator will generate a plan for how to invest using the DCA strategy. This plan will typically include the amount of money that you should invest each period, as well as the total amount of money that you will have invested after a certain number of periods.
  3. Use the plan to guide your investments: Once you have generated your DCA plan, you can use it as a guide for your Wrapped NCG investments. You can use the plan to determine the amount of money that you should invest each period, and track your progress over time to ensure that you are staying on track with your investment goals.
  4. Monitor your Wrapped NCG investment: In addition to using your DCA plan to guide your investments, it is also important to regularly monitor the performance of your Wrapped NCG investment. You can do this by accessing your investment account and viewing your Wrapped NCG balance and trade history. This will allow you to track the value of your investment and see how it is performing over time.

How portfolio values are calculated

The portfolio value in this WNCG DCA crypto calculator is typically calculated by adding up the total value of all of the Wrapped NCG that you have invested in. This value is typically calculated by multiplying the number of Wrapped NCG that you have invested in by the current market price of Wrapped NCG.

For example, let's say that you have invested a total of 5 Wrapped NCG using the DCA strategy, and the current market price of Wrapped NCG is $500. In this case, the portfolio value of your Wrapped NCG investment would be 5 x $500 = $2,500.

Additionally, this WNCG DCA crypto calculator may also take into account the value of any additional investments that you have made using other cryptocurrencies or traditional assets. These investments would be added to the total value of your portfolio, along with the value of your Wrapped NCG investments.

Overall, the portfolio value in this WNCG DCA crypto calculator is an important metric that can help you to track the performance of your investments and see how your portfolio is growing over time. By regularly monitoring the portfolio value, you can make more informed and disciplined investment decisions, and improve your chances of success in the volatile world of cryptocurrency.

What is Dollar Cost Averaging?

WNCG Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) is a popular investment strategy that is often used in the world of cryptocurrency. WNCG DCA involves investing a fixed amount of money into WNCG (Wrapped NCG) on a regular basis, regardless of the current market price. This strategy can help investors to smooth out the potential ups and downs of the market and reduce the risk of buying at the wrong time.

Here's an example of how WNCG DCA works: let's say that you want to invest $500 in Wrapped NCG. Instead of buying $500 worth of Wrapped NCG all at once, you could use the WNCG DCA strategy to buy $100 worth of Wrapped NCG every week for five weeks. This means that you would be buying Wrapped NCG at different prices each week, depending on how the market is moving. If the price of Wrapped NCG goes up during those five weeks, you will be buying less Wrapped NCG each week. But if the price of Wrapped NCG goes down, you will be buying more Wrapped NCG each week.

The main advantage of using the WNCG DCA strategy is that it can help to reduce the risk of buying at the wrong time. By investing a fixed amount of money on a regular basis, you can avoid the potential pitfalls of trying to time the market or making emotional decisions about when to buy. This can help to ensure that you are consistently buying into the market, rather than making large, one-time purchases that could be affected by market fluctuations.

Additionally, WNCG DCA can help to reduce the average cost of your investment over time. By buying at different prices, you can potentially average out the cost of your investment and end up with a lower overall price than if you had bought all at once. This can help to maximize your returns in the long term.

Overall, the WNCG DCA strategy is a popular and effective way to invest in Wrapped NCG. It can help to reduce risk and improve your chances of success in the volatile world of cryptocurrency.

How to invest in Wrapped NCG?

To invest in Wrapped NCG, you will need to find a reputable and reliable cryptocurrency platform or exchange that offers Wrapped NCG trading.

OKEx is a cryptocurrency exchange that offers Wrapped NCG trading. To invest in Wrapped NCG in OKEx, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Create an account on OKEx: Visit the OKEx website and sign up for an account. You will need to provide some basic personal information and complete a verification process to create your account.
  2. Fund your OKEx account: Once your account is set up, you will need to deposit funds into your OKEx account. You can do this by transferring funds from your bank account or using a supported cryptocurrency.
  3. Search for Wrapped NCG on OKEx: Once you have funds in your OKEx account, you can search for Wrapped NCG on the platform. You can use the search bar or navigate to the "Markets" section of the OKEx website to find Wrapped NCG.
  4. Place an order to buy Wrapped NCG: Once you have found Wrapped NCG on OKEx, you can place an order to buy it. You will need to specify the amount of Wrapped NCG that you want to buy, as well as the price at which you are willing to buy it.
  5. Monitor your Wrapped NCG investment: After you have placed your order, your investment in Wrapped NCG will be processed and your Wrapped NCG will be added to your OKEx account. You can monitor the performance of your investment by accessing your OKEx account and viewing your Wrapped NCG balance and trade history.

Overall, investing in Wrapped NCG using OKEx is a simple and straightforward process. By following these steps, you can easily add Wrapped NCG to your investment portfolio and start benefiting from its potential growth.